1 Peter 5:5
Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.
In Plain Ole English:
And in the same way, let the younger men be ruled by the older ones. Let all of you put away pride and make yourselves ready to be servants: for God is a hater of pride, but he gives grace to those who humbles themselves
This verse stuck out to me the most during church service on the 18th. Many of us, including me a lot lately (and it's so ironic that my pastor spoke of this issue) are asking how to get the Lord to recognize us, hear our call, and speak to us to guide us in the right direction. The first point was Humility. To humble yourself, submit to God, admit your faults, and ask for help.
I must admit I am a prideful lioness. And many times, not in a good way. I hate asking others for help, I hate admitting I am wrong (but I will at the end of the day), I hate showing weakness, and sometimes find i impossible to forgive those who are (in my eyes) undeserving.....
Lately I've been begging God to answer my prayer about direction in my career choice, which is really the only thing in my life I am completely unsure of. I haven't heard an answer; like I usually do in some unexplainable way or even a voice in my head he uses to communicate with me. Nothing. And while I have no confirmation, I go back and forth researching careers, worrying about my future, being unhappy forever as a CSR, refusing help, overspending to overcompensate, being too hard on myself, and holding a couple of vital grudges (still)....
It's crazy how ignorant I can all of a sudden be. But hey, that's what the Word is for. That is what church is for. To give us all a spiritual reality check. My pastor also went on to say Devotion, Worshiping, and Reading our Bible play a big part in God speaking to us. I needed a refresher because I know that when I start worrying, my heart is getting luke warm for God, since I'm not trusting him like I should be, trying to take matters into my own hands. I've always had a problem with patience when it comes to my direction. But this here is a journey I have to continue to embrace, even though it has its bumps, I still enjoy the beauty and madness of it all....
So this week I'm working on HUMILITY-
So this week I'm working on HUMILITY-
- Knowing that in my flesh I am inadequate, yet I also knowing who I am in Christ.
- Being a peacemaker without needing to fight for my rights. Being able to walk humbly in the power of God’s Holy Spirit, not my own personal power.
- Putting others first. The meaning of humility in the Bible is one of loving others, not groveling! When I humble myself, I feel strong in the Lord. I don't need to be defensive
compliments of www.dougbrittonbooks.com
You can defuse arguments when you are humble.
You do not need to stand up for yourself in an angry manner. And you do not have to win every argument.
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger (Proverbs 15:1).
You can handle unfair treatment peacefully when you are humble.
You can respond to unfair treatment without being overcome by bitterness. Godly humility means you do not feel a need for vengeance or revenge.
Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you (Ephesians 4:31-32).
You do not have to put on a "false front" when you are humble.
When you understand God and humility, you don't need to act like a big shot. The better you know God, the less you have to prove.
You can eat "humble pie" without being crushed when you are humble.
When you are humble, you can respond to and learn from criticism without defensiveness—whether it is deserved or not deserved. Likewise, you can be aware of your failures without being emotionally devastated.
You can ask forgiveness when you are humble.
Even if you think you are only one percent wrong, you can easily apologize for what you did wrong.
Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift (Matthew 5:23-24).
You can talk with the right attitude when you are humble.
You can talk courteously and lovingly, regardless of the situation—even if you need to be firm or take strong actions.
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen (Ephesians 4:29).
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